Course Categories
Grow your business and people with our range of courses for all levels covering both the hard & soft skills needed to succeed in the modern world. From courses on Leadership & Conflict Resolution through to Digital Marketing & Accountancy.
Courses, content and tools to help your people discover more about themselves so they can be confident in the workplace and lead happier, healthier lives.
Money is one of the biggest causes of mental health issues today. Make sure your people are financially educated with our range of courses covering 'Personal Finance Management' through to 'How to invest'.
A range of courses and tools to support you in building a workforce of confident people ready to take any challenge head on.
Reduce work absenteeism and improve productivity by supporting your people to live healthier lifestyles with our diverse range of courses. They'll thank you for it.
Work/life balance is hard to sustain in today's always-on world but you can play an important role in making sure your people achieve balance in their life.
Support your people in getting the work/life balance right by fuelling their outside of work passions and interests with courses ranging from creative writing to photography.
Content for all learning styles
Ensure no-one in your organisation falls behind in their training by catering for every learning type: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic.
Cademi delivers courses & content in all formats including interactive, video, podcast, audio books, visual and expert articles and we freshen it up on a weekly basis ensuring there’s something for everyone.
Micro-learning as standard
Your people don’t want to sit in a classroom for a day, or spend an hour at a time watching an outdated video. Those days are gone, this is the age of Google and YouTube.
They want to learn on their terms, and that means at the point of need and when it works best for them. Cademi is built for the modern learner to ensure that you have an engaged and upskilled workforce.
Studies show that Microlearning may be up to 17% more effective at transferring knowledge than traditional classroom training, and may even increase information retention by 20%
Book your demo and see the platform for yourself
latest articles from Cademi
Your Reviews Really Do Matter And Here’s Why…
In the 21st Century, reviews are even more important than marketing. …
Why Investing in an Learning Management System (LMS) is a Good Idea
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Why Cademi is the Perfect Resource for Modern Learners
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What makes our HLP different to a traditional LMS?
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